
My mother picked up LB from Roofie’s house last night. Since she is a big, scary feminist, they were as polite as can be to her. Thank God they have taken down their McCain/Palin Sign, or else a fight may have ensued.

“Sorry the house is a mess, but we’re moving,” Roofie said to my mom.

Hmmmm. First the cell phone, now the house. Someone can’t afford his new life? Apparently they are moving back to Blondie’s mom’s house out on the mesa.

On a different note, I made a whopping $7.50 last week writing for The Examiner. That’s like 3 whole gallons of gas! I know the blogworld is sick of talking about lactating moms, but I had to respond to this Atlantic Article in my  post today.

P.S. I laid out on my deck for the first time this weekend. It was ridonkulously amazing.

P.P.S LB’s new infatuation with The Lion King has prompted spontaneous singing of “I just can’t wait to be….C-L-E-A-N

5 thoughts on “Moving

  1. Is there any security in knowing that there will be another set of eyes on LB when she’s with Roofie now? Maybe they’ll be better behaved in front of family? One can hope.

    Congrats on the paid gig! You’re officially offical!


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