Christmas Tree Euphoria

My 2nd post is up at Rocky Mountain Moms Blog. I have yet to be syndicated like the fabulous April did with this amazing post, but that’s ok.  We’re instructed to write about how the economy is affecting our holiday, so I’ll be attempting  a meaningful post soon.

LB and I bought our Christmas tree last night. This is the first time I’ve ever bought a tree from a lot. In the grand tradition of  cheap hard-core, Colorado hippies, my family always buys a permit from the forest service and we hike through BLM land to cut our own funky-looking tree. 

Last year, the culmination of Rooferman dropping us like a bad habit, the post-egg donation sickness and the move-in to my first apartment left me devoid of any Christmas spirit. I managed to hang a stocking and display my child’s artwork, but a tree was beyond my emotional, mental and physical capabilities.

This year, we are in full Christmas swing. My wonderful boss has purchased us tickets to ride the Polar Express. LB’s godmother also happens to work for the train, so she’s tagging along for free, and bringing Auntie JL. As for the Christmas Tree, the thought of trudging through the high country accompanied by a very unhelpful (but extremely eager) 2.5 year old, did nothing to inspire me. So I joined the rest of the consumers and bought a semi-attractive tree for less than $30.

Now my house is fully enveloped in the delicious aroma of Douglas Fir. LB witnessed her mommy literally stick her face in the tree branches while choosing which tree to purchase. My Gemini child now regards her Pisces mother with slight apprehension. She already thinks I’m crazy and I didn’t even have to wait till teenhood!

Seriously, can I forever inhale this aroma? Maybe its only this good because it comes once a year. Maybe the association with Christmas makes it that much sweeter. I can’t believe I deprived myself of this smell last year!  If a man walked by me smelling like conifers, I would probably turn on my heel and follow him off a cliff.  Maybe I am crazy, but just smelling a Christmas Tree sends me into a drug-like euphoria.

The space in my apartment may be closing in with the addition of the tree, but I would swap living area for the high of being near this smell any day. Jenn caught this VERY early this year. I think its official. I’ve been bitten by the Christmas Bug. I even decorated my office (and I HATE doing this, because its just assumed that its the secretary/receptionist/admin assistant’s responsibility).

In other news, I talked to Mr. Mediator today and asked if Rooferman had called to schedule an appointment yet, since we return to court again next Thursday (holy s***). Rooferman has NOT contacted him. Mr. Mediator commented on how shoddy this was for him to wait until the last minute, and I should NOT cover his ass and schedule this FOR him. He told me when my daughter’s father gets his act together and actually calls him, he will be happy to mediate. I immediately sent a text message to Rooferman, informing him of the situation and that THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN SOON. So we’ll see if he did anything when I pick up LB tonight.

I guess we’ll also see if he offers to drive her home again tonight.

To answer Karma’s comment: LB has been telling me some things. Mostly that “Daddy angry. Daddy mad at me. I cry. I fall down.” Of course when I asked Rooferman about this, he says he doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

I hope he gets coal in his stocking for Christmas.

14 thoughts on “Christmas Tree Euphoria

  1. I miss that aroma. I don’t do a tree at home because it seems more trouble than it’s worth since we always go to my parents’ house for Xmas Eve and Day, but they have a fake tree. Oh, well. At least there’s always a fire going.
    I skipped the economy post, too depressing. (But another post of mine got selected for syndication 🙂


  2. The smell of Christmas trees are the best. Christmas cookies aren’t bad either. I’m trying to get decorating done, but I’ve only managed to get a few things up in the store so far. Oh well. I’ve at least done most of my shopping for everyone. I hope Rooferman gets lots of coal, he deserves a truck load of it!
    See ya soon, much love!!


  3. Sadly the Christmas bug came and went early this year for me. I haven’t turned into a horrible Scrooge, but I’m not in a Christmasy mood either. At least my shopping is done! Now if I could only find someone else to wrap the presents… (I may just be feeling Scroogish because my week has been insane. Glad you and LB are enjoying it though.)


  4. Don’t send him any more reminder texts or calls; this is his ball now, and I hear you wanting to carry it for him a little bit. Please, please, don’t.


  5. Kori- I know I am. I hate it. I’m just afraid this is all part of his plan to get us back to court without having to compromise on anything. I have some sort of glimmer of hope that maybe Mr. Mediator will be able to get us to agree on something. Maybe I’m scared that the motion to recuse will negate any sort of hard work I’ve done up until now. If we go back to court with a real parenting plan, then this will all be over. This is all just wishful thinking, I know. I’m trying to stay strong.


  6. I had Christmas fever around election day. I have been listening to Christmas songs like crazy. Nothing smells quite as good as a real Christmas tree. I will probably wait until J gets older to get one.


  7. I thought of getting a real tree this year but the logistics are a nightmare but next year I will make it happen because I am sure my son will love it. He is learning songs for his school’s show and it is definitely getting me in the holiday spirit to the point that I ordered us these needlepoint stockings with our names on them. (Okay they offered free shipping and $20 off my total order, so I couldn’t really resist, lol)


  8. I agree with Kori – leave him!!! If you can remember so can he!!!

    I think all exes need to get coal in their stockings!


  9. Oh and I wanted to say how lucky you are to have real Christmas trees!!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! but they are so hard to find here!


  10. I stopped reminding my ex of things long ago!!! They start to depend on your reminders….just an fyi…..I do hope yours and my ex get coal this year…they both deserve it…and may we both good awesome gifts this year…cause..well hell we deserve it…lol…puttin up with ex’s is a hard job! 🙂


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